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25 Jan 2018

Listen up! Me and C Marie Long are broadcasting LIVE discussing her new book, and her January 2018 healing arts residency here @ Harambee Market in North Little Rock, AR. and also the launch of her new book, Healing Fear and Trauma with Pranayama and QiGong!

Harambee Radio Live - Episode 1

C. Marie of Sound+Breath=Light

1 Feb 2018

Live audio broadcast w/guest Penny Stewart. We're talking Narcissistic Personality Disorder @ Harambee Market 2104 N. Main St. North Little Rock, AR!

Harambee Radio Live - Episode 2

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

8 Feb 2018

Seamoss, Sebi, and detoxing saved his life. Took him from an "angry" 275lb man to a peaceful and balanced brotha @ 199lbs. Marcus Lamb of LIVE Well Natural Products, LLC was my guest February 8th  on the audio broadcast. Interesting testimony on how his weight and eating habits caused a major sexual dysfunction. 🎙📱🔊 And HUGE thanks to our sponsor Creole Concoctions! Like her Facebook page for some of the tastiest Louisisna style pralines, flavored popcorn, and signature coffee and hot tea drinks in the city. 💜💚🖤💛 @ Harambee Market 2104 N. Main St. North Little Rock, AR!

Harambee Radio Live - Episode 3 - Marcus Lamb of LIVE Well Natural Products, LLC

15 Feb 2018

Thanks to Bro. Kurt Muhammad and Bro. Kenny Muhammad for stopping in to discuss Noi Arkansas and the roll this organization plays in our community. And the big move to North Little Rock. Welcome to the northside neighbors!!! #GiveThanks 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Harambee Radio Live - Episode 4

NOI Arkansas

22 Feb 2018

Much gratitude to this sistah who shared and bared it all on the show last night. Sistah Ayfria and the Rhythmn of LIfe Ministry kweens, Sah Ankh Sa Maat and Kiyaamaye Ma'at will be in our city @ Harambee Market 2104 N. for a FULL rhythm wellness weekend of Afrikan dance, womb wellness, chakra activation, detox vegan foods, and MORE. For more information about the wellness ministry health practitioners go to 👉🏿 or call 901-292-5099. Sign up for workshops below 👇🏿. Join us for this highly blessed weekend! 🌌🙆🏿‍♀️🌠It's time you GET 🦋 YOUR 🥗 RHYTHM 🧘🏿‍♀️ BACK ☯️ 🌻@

Harambee Radio Live - Episode 5 - Sistah Ayfria and the Rhythmn of LIfe Ministry


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